At some point in the recent past, it seemed like a good idea to leave the motherland and explore a whole new world. Well, that was the past.
Two weeks into London and I must say, the experience is almost living up to what I had imagined in my mind this place would be. To some extent, I wish someone had told me just how massive this place is. In my opinion, I think Greater London should just be curved off the map of London and be renamed. I swear, the number of people living here, simply amazing!!
I look back at my America experience and for some strange reason, I felt more at home there. Naperville was wonderful. I think my room mates had something to do with it. Maybe the proximity of my room to class made me take advantage of the snooze button on my phone.
Now I am here. My snooze button has been highly inactive due to the distance I have to cover to make it on time to school. 4 years of undergraduate with my 4 hour commute did not quite have the toll these 2 hours are having.
Nonetheless, as one of my classmates said, since there is nothing we can do about the current situation, complaining would be a waste of time. So, I'll continue to wallow in my thoughts and hope that somehow, somewhere and some time, this will start to feel like home.
Yaaayyyyy!! You started blogging again!! So I guess I'll have to keep checking here because you didn't tell me this about London! Try have fun love! I miss you!:*